Successful English — how to pronounce words correctly

Pronounce G correctly

Speech lesson 1

This speech lesson is built in a format that explains the problem of speech and offers
several exercises so that you can work on the problem and learn to speak correctly.

Each lesson ends with homework designed to further practice of eliminating or
correcting the speech problem you are working with this week. To get the most out of
this course, just follow the program, completing only one lesson per week and
completing all the exercises and homework.

Speech problem: bad diction

One of the most annoying speech habits for listeners is the fuzzy diction of the
speaker. When you don’t make an effort to pronounce every syllable of each word
correctly and the words are mixed, it can be difficult for listeners, viewers,
interviewers, etc. to decipher what you say.

Dropping the letter «g» is one of the most common examples of poor diction. Say this
list of words aloud:

  • Going
  • Walking
  • Jogging
  • Thinking
  • Striking
  • Selling

Did you say «go-ing» or did you say «go-in»? If you said «go-in» (or «walk-in», «jog-gin», and so on), then you are a G dropper (sing the letter).

Keep in mind, it wasn’t an honest test. The pronunciation of isolated words is very
different from what you usually do when you just talk. Most people have a tendency
to vocal laziness and not move parts of their lips, mouth, throat and jaw to fully
pronounce the words. In addition, the faster you speak, the less distinct your
pronunciation; people tend to confuse syllables, words and even whole phrases. For
example, «What are you doing?» becomes «What’cha doin?»

Say these sentences aloud:

I’m going to have to rethink that bid.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Waiting to hear back from the bank is very nerve-wracking and stressful.
Before starting my business, I looked at a lot of different business opportunities.
There’s more to learning than just reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Didn’t you pronounce Gs again? Or did you try to pronounce every syllable of every

Pronuncation training: exercises

The following exercises are designed to help you learn to speak with better diction
and clarity in the future.

Speech exercise: Mirror Face test

A mirror is a great helper when you work on your pronunciation. This is called a face
check. When you pronounce correctly, your mouth, tongue, lips and jaw move.

Stand in front of the mirror and watch yourself while you say, «I’m going to have to
rethink that bid.» Do you see your lips shrink and retract when you say «go-ing»? Do
you see how your lips protrude when you pronounce «b» in the word «bid»? This
sentence is a real training for the face.

Say the rest of the sentences aloud, watching you speak in the mirror. Now repeat all
this again, slowing down the pace of speech and exaggerating facial expressions.

This week you should have a five-minute session with a mirror every day. You will
immediately notice that this practice will gradually move into your usual
conversational life, make you better understand how you speak and speak more

Additional speech exercise: tongue twisters

When you focus on speaking well, it doesn’t look natural. The best way to determine
if you pronounce correctly when you speak and stop muttering is to connect a speech

What is a speech monitor?

It is unlikely that you will hear on your own that you are talking illegibly. It’s more
visible from the outside. The speech monitor should be the second person who will
monitor your pronunciation. For convenience, choose one of those who lives with
you (spouse, child or roommate). Explain that you are working on your pronunciation
and ask them to let you know when you lower the letter «G» or speak illegibly. Watch
how often your speech monitor informs you that you have committed this speech

Continuing to practice clear speech, you should see that the number of times your
listener hears you speak carelessly decreases.

If you want to speed up the process, ask someone who regularly works with you to be
another speech monitor.

Advantages of learning clear speech

As your pronunciation improves, your listeners will:

To form a better impression of you when you talk, thinking of you as a calculating
and thoughtful person. They will be able to better focus on the message you transmit, rather than be
distracted by how you express yourself.

Speech lesson 1 Homework

To get the most out of this course, it is important that you complete the exercises.
Your speech won’t improve if you don’t work on it regularly.

This week you have two tasks:

  • Allocate five minutes a day when you can work with the mirror in a quiet place and
    practice the above pronunciation exercises.
  • Find a listener who will help you identify speech errors and become your speech

Next week you will solve the problem of speech with filling.


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